Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wayside Teaching

Once every three years, I am able to travel back to the roots of my training as an educator, the Commonwealth of Virginia.  The purpose of the trip is to attend the Teachers of Promise Institute.  This institute was started by award winning educators in Virginia who wanted to give back to the profession which gave so much to them.  Each year, teacher preparation programs in Virginia send their top seniors or graduate students for a two-day whirlwind of activity.  Former National Teachers of the Year www.ccsso.org/ntoy.html , State Teachers of the Year, and Milken National Educators www.milkeneducatorawards.com provide mentoring for these best and brightest about to enter the teaching profession.

It begins with a dinner celebration.  The mentees are presented with a special pin signifying them as a Teacher of Promise.  Usually a veteran educator will talk about how they were influenced by a teacher in their life.  A common theme that presents itself in these talks and the workshops that follow the next day is about something Frank Charles Winstead calls wayside teaching.  The concept is simple, the things we remember about our favorite teachers is not how they took attendance or how neat their grade book was, it is what they did to show a special interest in us.  These are wayside teaching moments.

For me, it was Mrs. Lane in sixth grade, who knew I was a reluctant reader at the time.  She went out of her way to find me reading material I would enjoy.  This included anything she could find on baseball.  I did not have to read what others were reading in class, she took the time to talk to me and find a way to get me motivated to read.

It is our mission at Sumner Academy to provide your children with a well-balanced and meaningful curriculum of study while here.  With our focus on small class size and meeting children where they are academically, I know wayside teaching occurs daily here.  In fact, I have heard many stories about wayside teaching moments from current and former parents.

If your child has experienced this, please take the time to share these wayside teaching moments with your friends, neighbors, and family.  YOU are the best marketing our school can have!

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