Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Let's Get Organized!

Are you disorganized?  What about your children?  You have probably heard that a clean desk is the work of a sick mind.  While we know there are extremes to everything, there does need to be a certain level of organization present within all of us.  My desk is often piled with papers, articles, letters, etc.  Amazingly, I do know where everything is...it just takes a minute to put my hand on it.  I have listed below some helpful hints in getting children organized.  Remember however, as parents, we can be a role model in making this work!
(1) Talk with your child’s teacher.  Teachers work hard to develop their student’s organizational skills and their responsibility.  Ask your teacher how you can reinforce what is being learned in the classroom.  (2) Getting things ready in the evening will help out the morning rush.  Sign notes, check homework and get clothes ready before the alarm sounds in the AM.  (3) Check your child’s backpack every afternoon.  I know, there are probably some things in there you would rather not touch or see...but there may be important information waiting for you to read.  (4) Monitor homework progress.  If your child is becoming overwhelmed with homework, let the teacher know immediately.  Try breaking homework up into smaller portions and complete each step methodically.  (5) Create a calendar for your child.  If you have an evening family activity, your child should plan ahead to complete homework before you leave.  Deadlines are easier to enforce when it is placed on you child’s calendar.  (6) List making.  Once your child can read and write, encourage them in making a “must do” and “to do” list.  (this helped our daughter to remember to “scoop” after taking our dog Alfie out)  (7) A place for everything.  Your child can be responsible for putting away things they may have gotten out during the day.  (8) Pack rats have no place in an organized environment.  Set aside one day per month to go through things and toss what is not needed.  What about my Zambian coke bottle tops?  Collections are fine as long as you have a place for everything.  (9) Set up rewards.  Children love to be rewarded for their labors and being organized is hard work!
Like most things, being organized takes practice and diligence.  Take the time to discuss what it means to be organized and hopefully your family life will improve!  Now, if I can only find that remote...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Super Origins

As we begin school this week, I wanted to let you know about something new!  At our first faculty meeting of the year, the Sumner Academy teachers approved a new program on character education.  This year will mark the beginning of the Super Citizens Program here at our school.

This character development program is used school wide to emphasize qualities of a good citizen.  Students in grades 1 - 8 are awarded “Super Citizen” cards from classroom and related arts teachers weekly.  Morning announcements focus on character qualities, and teachers may follow-up with classroom discussions, activities and reminders.  Super Citizens are announced at the end of the day on Fridays.  Students who receive a Super Citizen award are given a card after the Friday announcement by the headmaster.

While an assistant principal in the Harrisonburg (Virginia) City Public Schools, I was asked to be on a statewide commission which looked at successful schools around the state.  We visited twelve schools and I was able to pick up lots of great ideas.  In one school in the tidewater region, I noticed signs everywhere around the school.  On lockers, in classrooms, the cafeteria, gymnasium, even in the stalls in the restrooms!  They were one word, RESPECT.  The principal explained that it was their character trait for the month.  She went on to explain that they highlighted a different trait each month and the teachers would make an award at the end of each month to the student who best typified that trait.

Sometime after the visit, I was named principal of Spotswood Elementary School.  As I began to roll those ideas around in my head, the first Super Citizen idea was hatched.  I planned to make it a weekly event instead of monthly and to add an announcement at the end of the week on Friday afternoons.  I designed a card to give to the students so they could take it home and share the good news with their families.  The announcements grew to be a much-anticipated event every Friday afternoon.  We even made the local news one Friday!

I was fortunate to work with four outstanding assistant principals during my tenure in Harrisonburg.  Three of the four have (or had) schools of their own and carried the Super Citizen Program to their schools.

The monthly schedule is as follows:

July/August - Respect, September – Benevolence, October - Responsible, November - Grateful, December – Self-controlled, January - Honest, February - Loving, March - Loyal, April - Forgiving, and May - Persevering.

The greatest joy I get is when your child(ren) get in their car on Friday and show off their card.  What a great sense of accomplishment and celebration!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wayside Teaching

Once every three years, I am able to travel back to the roots of my training as an educator, the Commonwealth of Virginia.  The purpose of the trip is to attend the Teachers of Promise Institute.  This institute was started by award winning educators in Virginia who wanted to give back to the profession which gave so much to them.  Each year, teacher preparation programs in Virginia send their top seniors or graduate students for a two-day whirlwind of activity.  Former National Teachers of the Year www.ccsso.org/ntoy.html , State Teachers of the Year, and Milken National Educators www.milkeneducatorawards.com provide mentoring for these best and brightest about to enter the teaching profession.

It begins with a dinner celebration.  The mentees are presented with a special pin signifying them as a Teacher of Promise.  Usually a veteran educator will talk about how they were influenced by a teacher in their life.  A common theme that presents itself in these talks and the workshops that follow the next day is about something Frank Charles Winstead calls wayside teaching.  The concept is simple, the things we remember about our favorite teachers is not how they took attendance or how neat their grade book was, it is what they did to show a special interest in us.  These are wayside teaching moments.

For me, it was Mrs. Lane in sixth grade, who knew I was a reluctant reader at the time.  She went out of her way to find me reading material I would enjoy.  This included anything she could find on baseball.  I did not have to read what others were reading in class, she took the time to talk to me and find a way to get me motivated to read.

It is our mission at Sumner Academy to provide your children with a well-balanced and meaningful curriculum of study while here.  With our focus on small class size and meeting children where they are academically, I know wayside teaching occurs daily here.  In fact, I have heard many stories about wayside teaching moments from current and former parents.

If your child has experienced this, please take the time to share these wayside teaching moments with your friends, neighbors, and family.  YOU are the best marketing our school can have!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Fit to be “Tied”

I wear a different “kid friendly” tie each school day of the year.  My collection hovers around 300 with about 30 being Christmas ties.  I have several racks that I use to hold the ties.  When I take it off the rack, I wear it, then place it in a box for the next year.  After it comes out of the box, I wear it, then place it on the rack.  It took me a few years to work out this system.

The first “kid friendly” tie I bought was a red Mickey Mouse tie…that was back in the late 1980’s.  The second came with some help from two students at the time (Carla and Cathleen Meyerhoeffer) who picked out a blue and pink flamingo tie with me on a trip to Williamsburg.  I still have both ties and wear them in my rotation.

Several of my ties have been gifts from students, parents, and teachers.  I wish I could remember each tie and where each came from, but there are so many!  The students often ask for me to wear my double cheeseburger, Sponge Bob, and Scooby Do ties.  Last year I was presented with my first hotdog tie…certain to be a classic.  Two of my favorite ties include a Where the Wild Things Are tie given by a former assistant principal and a Curious George tie given to me by my daughter, Madelyn.  I once got a tie for each day of the twelve days of Christmas!

Perhaps my oddest tie moment came when I was at a principal’s conference in Washington, D.C.  There was a street vendor selling of all things – neckties.  I bought an alligator tie for $5.00.  That Christmas, my mother-in-law from Mississippi bought the very same tie for me for a present!

I try to be judicious and wear different college ties after a big win.  My collection in this category includes Virginia, Tennessee, Memphis, and Ole Miss (no Vandy yet!).  My largest collection of non-Christmas ties include, baseball, Sponge Bob and Scooby Do ties.

As the summer comes to a close, my excitement is peaking.  I look forward to sharing the many ties with our Sumner Academy community.

Monday, July 1, 2013

First Things First!

Welcome to a new feature on our website!  I will attempt to create a (somewhat) weekly blog which will range in topics depending on the time of year, what's happening in our school, or whatever happens to be on my mind.  You will be able to learn more about me and Sumner Academy while following along with the blogs I post.  I welcome your comments and feedback through my email address: sjackson@sumneracademy.org.  This blog will be emailed to you and available through Face Book and Twitter (@sumnerhead).

I do not claim to be an expert in any field.  I only know about what I have experienced during my 30-year education career at five different schools, being a father of a 25 year old son, Tucker, and an 22 year old daughter, Madelyn…and husband to a very understanding former teacher, Amy for what will be 28 years in August.

Fair Warning Notice!  I beg, borrow, and steal ideas from people much smarter than myself to share in this forum.  When appropriate, I'll give you the specific sources, magazine articles, websites, or books that I reference.

This first blog will give you some insight as to who I am through three guys who influenced me.

Three Guys

Being an educator is a great gift and blessing, but a tremendous responsibility.  In my educational career of thirty years, there are three men who helped to shape me into the person, headmaster, principal, teacher, husband, father, uncle, and guy I am today.  Here is a story on how each of these three guys made me a better educator...

Wayne T. Jackson

My father was born and raised in Bowling Green, Kentucky.  He was the second youngest of four brothers.  His mother died when he was a child, and his father raised the four boys on his own.  Each of the four brothers served in World Ward II, and each was in a different branch of the service.  (Amazingly, they all came back)  After the war, Dad met Joyce Myers and they married and had three sons.  My father was a high school graduate and worked for twenty-four years in a paper factory as a beater engineer.  He spent another twenty some odd years as a head custodian in an elementary school.  He taught me how to run a buffer and several other machines as I would help him from time to time at the school.  Dad pulled a little wagon around with him at school with cleaning supplies and a few books.  Children stopped him frequently to ask him to read to them or to their class. 

I learned from Dad that there are more teachers in a school then there are credentials.  Also, that I should value those who clean up after us, run photo copies, drive buses, prepare lunches, etc.  Each person on our campus interacts in some way with our students, and they are all teachers.

James Rogers Hall

When I married a woman from Cleveland, Mississippi, I knew there would be some culture shock for me since I was from Kalamazoo, Michigan.  Her father, Rogers Hall, was born and raised in Memphis, attended three universities...and none of them really "stuck." He then began farming in Cleveland, Mississippi.  Mr. Hall valued education and the impact it can have on your life.  He served on the board of Mary Baldwin College in Staunton, Virginia.  When the other trustees would introduce themselves, they gave their "educational pedigree."  Mr. Hall would state the following, I have three children, one who is an attorney, one who is a banker, and one who teaches and has her masters degree.  He highlighted not his own achievements, but those of his children...and especially the value of education. 

I learned from Mr. Hall to continue your learning, because as smart as you think you are, there is always more to learn.

S, Scott Hamrick

Mr. Hamrick was from a large family in North Carolina and eventually moved to Charlottesville, Virginia to become the principal of Clark Elementary School.  My first teaching job was with Mr. Hamrick.  His insights into children, parents, and working with other teachers allowed me to excel right away in teaching.  One day we were talking about things and I told him I was going to build some shelves for a room in our home.  He asked me if I had the tools, having very few, he offered to assist me in his shop in the basement of his home.  This took about three nights for three weeks.  The experience provided me more than lessons of picking out wood, or sanding it properly, it provided me life lessons I still carry today.  He once gave driving lessons to one of our custodians who never learned to drive and wanted a license...he was 60.  Mr. Hamrick came to me one Friday afternoon and handed me the name and number of a professor at the University of Virginia.  He told me to call him to set up my Master's degree program.  I was thinking about this, but hadn't really decided until Mr. Hamrick told me this, "Steve, you are an outstanding teacher, but can be an even better principal."  I was sold.  Scott Hamrick serves as my educational mentor in all that I do. 

I learned from him never to make snap decisions, how to work positively with others, how to motivate a staff, and how to be a servant to others.

Respiratory issues took my father and father-law within four months of each other several years ago.  Cancer claimed Mr. Hamrick a few years later.

Mitch Albom wrote an incredible book called, "The Five People You Meet in Heaven."  In this book, the story of a simple man is recounted through his life and death.  After his death, he meets five individuals who helped to shape his life and the man he became.  As I write about these three guys who shaped my life, this simple man certainly hopes we will someday meet again.