Monday, July 20, 2015

Back to...already?

Back to…already?

It seems that major retailers clear out Fourth of July displays and bring in the Back to School displays…much to the dismay of children around the country. In the spirit of the Back to School supplies everywhere, I’d thought I’d send out a blog about getting your family ready for the start of school.

(1) Re-establish those School Routines - For younger children it is wise to start backing that bedtime up so it’s not such a shock on the first day of school. Also, start moving wake-up times earlier during the last two weeks of summer.

(2) Keep Morning Madness to a Minimum – Mornings with children were always hectic in my household. It takes practice to have everything down to a science to make your mornings enjoyable. It’s a good idea to have those school clothes out the night before, lunches packed and ready to go, homework checked and in the backpack, notes to the teacher, permission slips signed, etc. All these take practice to help you get to school on time in the morning.

(3) Attend Orientations and Meet and Greet at the School – Whether you are new to a school, or a seasoned veteran, meet the teacher and check out the classroom with your child. This calms much of the anxiety they may have about the new school year. This also provides you practice if you drive your children to school. How long does it take? Am I taking the best path in terms of morning traffic? How does carpool work?

(4) Make a Sick Day Plan – With most families having both parents working, this is critical. You don’t want your child waiting at school feeling terrible, so it’s best you have a plan ready to go.  If you have multiple children, find a family who lives nearby who can help with carpooling. The school should help you with a list of those who live near you.

(5) Create an After School Plan – Your child should have a regular time and place for homework designated within your home. It makes homework easier to manage when your child has supplies they need right there, instead of asking you every four minutes where the ruler is.

(6) Make the Process a Family Affair – Be aware of school events and programs and try to join in as a family. Be involved with the school through volunteering. Those who work during the day can still volunteer. Teachers have tons of projects for volunteers that can be done at home.

(7) Stay in Touch – Ask the teacher how they prefer to be contacted. Some like texts, others emails, and still others phone calls. Know how and when your teacher likes to communicate.

(8) Make the First Day Memorable - First day pictures adorn FaceBook every year. Perhaps you would like to make a special breakfast that first morning. Others may go out to dinner to celebrate a successful first day. You may want to write a special note for your child’s lunch. You know your children the best, match up a special event to celebrate that first day.

This will be my thirty-first first day of school as an adult. I still get excited about the start of every new school year. Now I just need to follow these eight steps!

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